22 January 2012

Day 22 - More on Verse 16 - Desire of Nations

You open your hand, and satisfy the desire of every living thing. Verse 16

God’s nature is to give, and then give some more.  He did not withhold His own Son, but sent him to be the ransom for our sin.   Will He then hold
back from us any good
thing?    Romans 8:32 says that if God has already shown us His greatest mercy in providing for this priority need for salvation, won’t He
also take care of the lesser needs of man? 

What we have is friendship with God.  This is so amazing! Free and fearless we can enjoy a personal and intimate relationship with Love Divine.  This friendship will never end.  It is not fickle, or moody.  It is steady, firm and constant, reliable and trustworthy.   

It will forever be filled with compassion and strength.   This friendship can’t be purchased with money or good deeds.  This friendship has been forged in blood.   This grace-filled friendship in which we stand is a relationship that cannot be broken or bartered or altered in any way.  

We either choose to accept and enjoy it, or refuse to respond to it at all.

As tough as the path of life can be, I understand that sometimes it feels like quite a stretch to believe that God is on the scene working to satisfy our desires.   But, if our one true desire is friendship with Him, then nothing else can ever take His place. 

Think of some of the metaphors for God’s friendship supplied to us in Jesus Christ:   He is the Fountain of Life, the Light by which we see, the Bread of Life, the True Vine, the Way, the Truth, the Life. 

He is the Door, the Gate, a Rock, a Fortress, a Strong Tower.   He is Alpha and Omega, the First and the Last.  He is the Lion of Judah, the Hound of Heaven, the Lamb of God.  He is the Living Word of God and in Haggai 2:7 He is the “desire of all nations”.

 In the depths of life’s struggles, with illness, disappointments, divorce, economic uncertainties, and all the rest, His credentials offer us comfort and strength and solutions.     Choose to make your relationship with God your one great desire, and He takes care of the rest.
Lord God, Please strengthen my desire to know You better, because You already know everything about me.  Not a word or thought escapes Your knowledge, so certainly there is no circumstance or trouble in my life that is beyond Your reach.  
Help me to trust You more and more, to cast all my cares upon You for You care for us, and I will rest in the promise that You will make a way for me.  Amen.

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