The LORD preserves all them that love him: but all the
wicked will he destroy. Verse 20
Have you ever heard of Jonah? I bet you have. The Bible book of Jonah is an exciting
account about rebellion and restoration.
God wanted Jonah to go to the city of great wickedness called
Nineveh. It was the capitol of the great Assyrian army, ruthless and known as the "bloody city" for the way it abused conquered peoples. God told his prophet Jonah
go preach of the mercy of God to this non Jewish nation, to call them to repentance and also warn them of
His certain judgment.
Yes, indeed, this
is a great Bible story, complete with strange and hard to believe happenings
involving a storm, Jonah being thrown overboard and getting swallowed by a big
Remember how rebellious Pinocchio also got swallowed up by a
big fish? Biblical themes often show up
in literature, movies, and daily life, don’t they? Yes, indeed.
Truth certainly has a way of prevailing. God’s Word is established
forever. Amen.
Well, Jonah got the message and repented of his own
rebellion in running from God’s assignment.
So, the fish spat him out on the
land after a 3 day ride to think about how much better it is to do things God’s
way. Jonah’s resurrection from death in
the belly of a fish equipped him to go on to preach to the city he thought unworthy
of the compassion and goodness of God.
Who was he to judge? Who are we
to judge the hearts of others? If God
wants to do a transforming work, shouldn’t we cooperate with that?
Jonah reluctantly cooperated, and through him, God convinced
the King of Nineveh and all its inhabitants that the path they were on would
lead to destruction. They repented of
their wickedness and idol worship, their abusive ways which were a threat to Judah and the city of Jerusalem, and served the Living God. End of story. Or was it?
Did you ever wonder what happened to Nineveh? Did they all live happily ever after forever? I think I might have wondered, but never
investigated further. However, my study
on verse 30 today led me on a hunt to discover what did become of Nineveh.
There is another prophet in the Bible whose book bears his
name. He was Nahum, and the burden he
had was another message for Nineveh.
About one hundred years after Jonah had preached to Nineveh, the people
had really fallen back into their wicked ways.
Few people still loved and worshiped the Lord God Almighty. Most had returned to idol worship, and every
kind of sinful behavior. Ah, human nature is still the same! Without the Lord’s strength it can be two
steps forward, one step back all the time!
The Book of Nahum is only 3 chapters long. His name means comfort, and yet his message
is full of vivid images of terror and destruction. However, it also balances the terror with what
God has revealed about Himself time and again.
God is slow to anger, full of compassion and mercy. But, at some point, the day of reckoning must come.
Nahum wrote his vision, this message from God, in a book and
sent it to the people of Nineveh where it circulated. I guess it made the best seller list among
believers who were holding on in the midst of a sinful, godless nation. In the end though, about another hundred
years later, Nineveh was destroyed. No army can stand against the hand of God.
Historical accounts about what happened to the Assyrian kings, Babylonian invasions, Jewish captivity and all the rest are a matter of record in the Bible in the books of the Kings, as well as in the writings of Jewish historians, and scribes of antiquity. These things happened in the 600’s BC and are recorded in other books of the prophets of that time such as Jeremiah and Habakkuk.
Historical accounts about what happened to the Assyrian kings, Babylonian invasions, Jewish captivity and all the rest are a matter of record in the Bible in the books of the Kings, as well as in the writings of Jewish historians, and scribes of antiquity. These things happened in the 600’s BC and are recorded in other books of the prophets of that time such as Jeremiah and Habakkuk.
As old as these accounts are, the message is the same: God has always protected His own and
delivered them from destruction. Yes, some lost their lives, but our
very souls live forever with Him.
Hardship and contentions with the culture are still evident today. But, we know our victory is secure in the
Will the wicked perish?
Will they be punished? If God is
a just God, the answer is "yes". His love has
been poured out, and people have been given a choice.
The Great Flood in Noah’s time, the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah,
the destruction of Nineveh, the rise and fall of the Roman Empire, Nazi
Germany, and the rearrangements of many regimes in modern times point to the
fact that God’s truth reigns in all times. Today, many wonder where America stands in the eyes of God.
We who have received the salvation and joy of the Lord have
been given an assignment, just as Jonah and Nahum. Just as Peter, Paul, John, James and the
other disciples. Go forth and share the
Good News. Our God saves. He continues to save. He does not want any to be lost. That is why He ultimately sent Jesus, Emmanuel, God With Us, to make one thing absolutely clear: We are created to be citizens of His kingdom and He is the way to gain that citizenship. We are saved in order to be a blessing to others, spreading the love and salvation of the Kingdom.
So, have no fear of
the judgment to come. Jesus, the King of
the World is coming again, this time in judgment. Hallelujah, there is no condemnation for
those who are in Christ Jesus. What a
Savior! What a Friend! But, gear up and put on your spiritual armor for the battle is still going on.
Shout to the Lord in gladness, and let’s be sure to spread
that joy today. Someone needs to hear how much God loves them.
Oh Lord, we worship You, God of promise. You guard the lives
of those who love you and destroy the wicked.
Give us boldness, Lord, to speak of Your love to those who are unaware,
so that they will have no excuse. Your
compassion and patience is an untold blessing. Great is the Lord, and greatly to be
praised! Amen.
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