29 January 2012

Day 29

He will fulfill the desire of those who fear Him, He will also hear their cry and will save them. Verse 19

Today my husband John and I worshiped with inmates at the Allegheny Jail in Pittsburgh.
I have shared about our last visit two weeks ago.  Today,  I just want to praise the Lord for His
involvement.  What is so awesome about God’s timing and the Holy Spirit at work is how He always coordinates our efforts without our foreknowledge.

You see, John and I don’t “plan” our worship time with the inmates…not exactly.  We pray, of course, ask the Holy Spirit to lead us and then go on in to lead the services.  We follow what the Lord puts on our hearts to share.

As I led the singing, and the Spirit fired up our hearts to praise, I felt led to share a Bible story that is so familiar to church going Christians, but not at all familiar to so many inmates.  Guys from the streets, busted for drug deals, theft, assault, rape and weapons violations, understand things much differently than the rest of us.

They understand about hiding things, and trying not to get caught.   They understand about being ruled by feelings, circumstances and needs.  They understand about anger, blame and betrayal.  They also understand about making wrong choices and suffering the consequences.

  Gee, doesn’t that list look like it applies to me and to you, too?

Well, I shared about David going from hero to zero, and how he took Bathsheba for himself, and had her husband murdered in battle.  I shared how even though David’s sin was hidden, a secret between just 2 or 3 people, he knew in his heart that this thing had broken the intimacy he had with God.  He knew that he couldn’t keep it hidden from God, until he confessed and repented he would not have peace.

Then we sang a simple chorus based on David’s Psalm 51 
“Create a clean heart in me O God, wash me til I’m whiter than snow.”    Do you know the Holy Spirit melted hearts today?  And then John followed up speaking about fear of the Lord, teaching from Matthew 10:28, and asking ourselves if everything we say or do gives glory to God.  I know he didn’t read my post on yesterday’s meditation, but it was as though he had!  He continued with comments on that scripture and everyone knew Who deserves our reverent fear, awe, honor and praise.

God arrests all of us in the middle of our sin.  We may not know that being rescued is the deepest desire of our heart….until it happens.  Praise God that He answers us and saves us.  Please pray for the inmates who are drawing closer to Jesus.

Lord, You are so gracious, and you are a just judge.  Thank you for your mercy and love, and the great patience you show us.  Arrest us by the vision of your glory and the experience of your presence.   May our response be true worship always.  Amen.

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