21 January 2012

Day 1

"I will extol you, my God, O King, and I will bless your name forever and ever."  Verse 1 

King David was accustomed to great honor as the leader of his people. Yet, since childhood, as a shepherd in
the fields experiencing time alone with God, David knew Who held the office of True and Righteous King.  The Lord God had given him the heart of a king, courageous and full of integrity.  Trusting in his King, David killed the lions, crushed Goliath, survived Saul's murderous pursuits and defeated all his enemies.

He loved his Lord who was his strength.  Yet, personal failure and the consequences of sin marred David's life, as it often does our own.  Still, David worshiped his King from the depths of his soul, and knew the great joy of repentance that restored his relationship with his King.   No wonder we hear such passion in his songs of praise! 

To extol is to lift up, shout out praise and admiration to such a high and lofty place that it is heard and seen as far as the east is from the west.  Imagine such a thunderous sound!

Far more admirable than the greatest of men, greater than Moses or Abraham, Jesus Christ is the King of the World, King of Kings, appointed by God the Father.  This great King is not a creature, but the Mighty God who reigns by His Spirit with love and grace and truth. He is worthy of extreme and lavish praise!

We esteem Him highly, and bow in adoration of His holiness and perfection.  We magnify Him, make Him large in our lives and praise the Name which has bought our salvation.  His name is of such precious value.   His name is strength, it is power, it is mercy, it is healing, it is grace.

Jesus, Your Name is LIFE!   The praise of God is as eternal as God is eternal. 

Lord Jesus, today  I WILL BLESS your name, and strive to grow in personal affection for you always  I will continually bow in adoration no matter my condition or circumstance. You are worthy, O Lord of all praise, honor and glory. Thank you for the privilege of entering Your throne room of grace.   Amen.  

The PSALMS are SONGS meant to be sung. For DAY ONE  Here's the one that's been running through my head in my devotional time today.  Select DAY 1 ...you'll see me in my bath robe worshiping the Lord!  Join me.

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