21 January 2012

Day 3

Great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised.  His greatness is unsearchable.”  Verse 3

Can you sense the depth of David’s fervent devotion?   He is overwhelmed by

the majesty of God. It is almost as though he is experiencing exasperation over the limitations of language to express the limitlessness of an eternal God.

The LORD is Infinite in goodness, in wisdom and love, superbly artistic in creation, dazzling in brightness as even the angels cover their faces with their wings in His presence.   He is all powerful, all knowing, everywhere present at all times, with no beginning and no end.  How great He is, indeed.

Yet, God, the Almighty One, desires fellowship with us.  Incredible.   The Creator wants intimacy with His creatures.   His perfection and majesty is beyond our comprehension, yet He has revealed His heart of love, forgiveness and compassion to us, even on our worst days.

The vastness of a clear, starlit night sky, the immensity of soaring mountain ranges, the most thunderous storm and the ceaseless crashing of endlessly rolling ocean waves cannot compare to the greatness of the LORD, the beauty of the LORD.

There will never be enough praise, enough instruments and choirs, or enough concertos and symphonies composed to  adequately honor the splendor of the King.  

O, Awesome God, what exquisite joy we feel to know the Great I Am speaks to us in a still small voice and is well pleased with the simplest song of a devoted heart.   Though unworthy in and of ourselves, You have clothed us in the righteousness of Christ and given us a new song to sing.  Halleluia, great are You, Lord
Chris Tomlin leads us in worshiping our
Amazing God.

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