21 January 2012

Day 11 - Verse 10

All your works shall praise you, O LORD; and your saints shall bless you Verse 10

We have seen these words used more than once already by David in the first

half of his psalm, but he sure doesn’t tire of using them!

To praise means to lift up for high admiration and exuberant thankful acknowledgement of greatness.

To bless, in this usage,  means to bow and to kneel before in adoration and reverent awe.  Have you knelt before the King lately?  In some of our church denominations we never kneel.  Yet, it is amazing how our posture impacts our praise.  Try it at home if you never have.

As often as you or I casually say these words to God Almighty,  I pray we will be more deliberate and thoughtful as a result of this study. 

  Remember that what we say to Him is called a sacrifice of praise.   We let go of our agenda and make all the time which may be required to let our words of worship lift Him up.  May they truly rise up within our hearts and overflow our lips.  Entering into praise brings the peace and presence of God in a powerful way.  We receive a blessing as we bless the Lord.

May our hearts swell with such love that we have no words at all, but only groanings and utterances of our spirits before Him who is the Self-Existent One, the Everlasting God,  Holy , Mighty, Awesome Yahweh, LORD God.

There is a whole lot of praising going on in this verse.   We can see that His works encompass two separate activities.

First, the creation He spoke into existence, and second,  the work of His merciful grace.  That means us,  we who are made new creations as the redeemed in Christ.  So both creation at large, and sinners saved by grace do bless and praise the LORD.  The LORD gets the praise and the glory because His works are noteworthy.

Consider:  Does not the famous Mona Lisa elicit praise for Da Vinci’s skill?  And  beautiful  buildings such as Fallingwater earn praise for  their creator, Frank Lloyd Wright?  Is it not the parents who deserve compliments for the sensibilities and character of well-mannered children we encounter?

In the same way, the heavens declare the glory of God, all His creation is shouting for joy.  The displays of nature point to the One who created it and elicit praise from human hearts, if not from the creatures themselves!  Who is to say if the rooster is crowing praise to God for the new day?

Further, we are the work of God’s manifold grace towards us through Jesus.  By receiving that grace, we are now saints of God, citizens of His kingdom.  We praise the King  for His righteousness and goodness, and we praise His life saving plan by which we may share everything as heirs in Jesus Christ.  What a Savior!

LORD, Jehovah, the One Who was, Who is, and Who is to come,
         We offer You praise. We bless Your name and humbly ask for Your strength to brightly reflect Your glory! Amen. 

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