21 January 2012

Day 2

“Every day will I bless you, and I will praise your name forever and ever.”  Verse 2

We are daily in His grip.  His mercies are new towards us every morning.  He neither sleeps nor slumbers.  He will never leave us or forsake us.   Can we

do any less than bow before Him daily and throughout the day in sweet affection, loving devotion and grateful praise?

As if to make it very clear that it would be offensive to his King, and ludicrous as the King’s servant to even  try to measure out his acclamations of praise, David punctuates his song with “forever….and ever.”    There is not one infinitesimal ingredient in our lives which is beyond the view of God, the grace of God, the love of God.  He who has counted the number of hairs on our heads and keeps us in our comings and our goings deserves many thanks, mighty thanks, continual thanks.  Praise God!

Last evening, as my husband and I were praying for his effective visit with a troubled friend this week, the words of Psalm 34: 7 came to mind:

  “The angel of the Lord encamps around all those who fear him and He delivers them.”  I was praying protection over my husband and the defeat of spiritual darkness when these words were delivered to me by our precious God the Holy Spirit.

This morning, I went to pray through Psalm 34 and what a surprise!   I had forgotten.  David opens this psalm with the same words as Psalm 145 in the NIV  translation, “I will extol the Lord at all times, his praise will always be on my lips.”   

Same heart of praise, same magnificent  spirit of worship.

Interestingly as well, after posting Day 1 of this study, I spent time on my back porch just worshiping the Lord, recounting His wonderful character and meditating on His holiness which we will never truly grasp until the day we meet Him. 

 Suddenly, the sky offered me such a beautiful Celestial Slide Show, and a new song welled up inside of me.   I put it all together to share with you here.  The words from my heart came from Psalm 34 in verse 3:  “Magnify the Lord with me and let us exalt His name together.”

God is good!  He is at work, creating anew heart, a more exuberant heart of praise in each of us for His pleasure and His glory.   Guess what?  Our joy increases, too.

Lord Jesus Christ,   How You love us and draw us near.  It is my greatest desire, O Master of the Universe, to live a life of praise.    O, master my heart, Lord Jesus.

Thank you that you designed us for Your glorious praise because entering in truly showers us with joy inexplicable, and peace which surpasses all understanding.  

How I love to stand in Your grace!   I lift You up today, Lord.  I extol Your Mighty Name.   Amen.

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