21 January 2012

Day 4

“One generation shall praise Your works to another, And shall declare Your mighty acts.”  Verse 4
It goes without saying that families share their stories.  Their common
history knits them together as one.   They share Great Grandma’s recipes, have certain traditions for the holidays, and make online photo albums to document the milestones of life. 
We see Mom and Dad on their wedding day, and then holding our tiny hands as we took our first steps.  Then there are all those crazy family vacations, and that endless car trip cross country.  Memories.
 Then, looking at photos of Pap from WWII, and reading his letters to Gram, brings up a different kind of story; stories of sacrifice, courage, valor, might, and victory. 
He tells you of sheer and certain miracles, and you hang on every word.   Hearing of a Great Uncle’s escape from Poland before the Nazi invasion sends shivers down your spine, and again, the provision of God is clear.  
Dad tells how God brought us through a business failure and bankruptcy to see His glory and guide our path.  
Sharing how a brother lost his life in Haiti during the earthquake while on a mission trip in the name of Jesus  Christ eases the loss, knowing that, the soul which dies trusting in Christ receives eternity with Christ, and we will all see each other again one day. 
These are some of the ways we are connected to one another in a family.  The memories, and the stories, identify us as members of this special circle.
Our faith should be part of the stories we share through the generations.   When we have experienced the power of God we ought to tell of it.   How else will they know?  Do we live like Jesus is on the scene?
“Whom shall I send?” asks the Lord.
David made a promise to God in verse 4 that it would be done.  He mandated it.   In all his psalms he recounted the wondrous works of God throughout history, and in his story.  
It is our turn.
“….and I shall declare Your mighty acts.”  Declare means to stand out boldly, to announce, expose or make conspicuous.  In our Facebook culture we have become more conspicuous than ever!
I challenge everyone to post a conspicuous praise, and declare the Lord’s valor, might and strength for everyone else to read.  Let’s bring Psalm 145 alive in 2012.  Tell what He’s done for you!
As we praise God with bold proclamations of His personal involvement with us, we remove the abstraction of God, and reveal Him to those who have yet to meet Him.   Nobody can deny your experience of God.  They may choose not to believe it, but your passion won’t be missed.
Jesus is alive.  He reigns eternally and He is coming back again.  Until He does, we praise His works to the next generation.  Go tell it on the mountain…..or on Facebook.
Father God, 
You have made us part of Your family through the shed blood of Your Son Jesus Christ.  Thank you that we are adopted, accepted, chosen, blessed, and forgiven.  You have made us heirs with Christ of all the spiritual blessings of Your kingdom. 
O Lord, stir up your Holy Spirit within us to make Your praise glorious!  Just look at all You have done for us, and You are not yet finished.  Thank you for the way that You love us.  Amen.

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