21 January 2012

Day 6

"And men shall speak of the might of your terrible and wondrous acts: and I will declare your greatness."  Verse  6

David’s desire and vow was that every generation would continually

praise and worship the Lord God as King over all creation.  He knew the importance of reverencing the God of Perfect Love and Perfect Justice.  God Almighty had displayed His power, authority and judgment over His people Israel throughout the ages. 

Force, might, earthquakes, a massive flood, drought, pestilence, wars, captivity, fire and destructive hailing brimstone; all of these were consequences of sin and disobedience.
A righteous and holy King must at times back up His authority with action.  Yet, a remnant of rebellious Israel was always preserved, and forgiven as they repented and returned again to love and serve the Lord.  

Some will always say that a true God of love and life would never visit such terror upon His people.  Yet, it is the stubborn heart refusing to follow the instruction given for ultimate protection, health and safety that wrestles with the resulting brokenness, shame and anguish, even death. 

   The truly loving parent sets boundaries for his child for his protection, and teaches him ways that are profitable for his body, mind and spirit.   Yet, we know too well of cases when that teen becomes certain they can chart their own course, or that spouse begins to lust elsewhere, or that man relies on his own pride, or we indulge our appetites for destructive things. 

    In stubbornness and rebellion, we may make choices that reap devastating consequences which forever alter the awesome destiny God had planned.

David remembered Israel’s history.  He knew God’s terrible might had defeated Israel’s enemies, and reprimanded her idolatry.  But God’s mighty plan also put him on the throne, and forgave him his sin of adultery and murder even though the punishment required by law should have been death.  No wonder He continually praised God!

Through the blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ, God the Son, we have received the cleansing and forgiveness that covers all the sin we have committed or will commit in the future.  This is an amazing gift, one for which the Giver deserves continual praise!

He is seated upon His throne and has prepared a place for each of us to reign with Him now and forever when we invite Him to be Lord of our lives.    David’s heart for God was marked by sincere repentance and gratitude.  He made a place for God in his heart.  When we do the same, He will surely fill it.

Lord, today I give you my heart. 

 Deuteronomy 10:21 He is your praise; he is your God, who performed for you those great and awesome wonders you saw with your own eyes.

Break me, mold me, fill me, use me for your glory. Amen.

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