The LORD is good to all: and his tender mercies are over all his works. Verse 9
the hand of the Creator came
life full of beauty, holiness and
perfection in the Garden. There was no decay or blight, no hardship or
pain until sin changed everything.
even as Adam and Eve were fearfully hiding themselves from God ‘s
anger, God compassionately clothed them in skins of garden animals. The
cost of Adam's sin was death.
you notice? From the outset, the innocent paid the price for the
guilty. The lives of innocent animals were sacrificed to cover their
nakedness. The Most High God foreshadowed His amazing redemptive plan
that Jesus would be provided as the One Perfect Sacrifice for the
forgiveness of sin.
who is Perfect Justice, however, did remove man from the Garden, and
cursed the ground he would work to scratch out his existence. Harsh as
that may seem, it was for man’s good and man was blessed with abundance
as he loved and obeyed the Living God, and suffered the consequences of
continues to be challenging. It requires work and a steadfast heart.
Evil is our constant enemy. But, don't you think it makes us hunger
after the perfection God originally planned? Doesn't it make us long
for the kingdom for which we were designed?
in the struggle we are shown the mercy and graciousness of God in
glimpses of His perfection. There is beauty in the sweetness of loving
relationships and in the myriad glories of nature and the human spirit: a
lovely rose bud, a child’s laughter, a spider intricately spinning its
web, the variety of teeming ocean life and lush rain forests, music and
art, random acts of kindness, soaring mountains and deepest nights of a
thousand sparkling stars.
Do we not gasp at the ever changing displays of God’s perfect order and
beauty in the universe? God is good. He delights in His creation. He
shows favor and mercy to those who long for Him.
the Father revealed Himself through His Son Jesus, Moses had prayed to
the God he knew as a thundering voice in a burning bush of fire on a
smoking, trembling Mt. Sinai. God had shown Himself as a pillar of fire
and a pillar of cloud, and spoke intimately with Moses who deeply
pleased Him.
even as deep as their relationship was, it is interesting that Moses
still wanted to know more of His God. Could He possibly see the true
essence of God?
Moses prayed one day, “Please, show me Thy glory.” And the Lord
answered, “I will make all My goodness pass before thee, and I will
proclaim the name of the LORD before thee; and will be gracious to whom I
will be gracious, and will show mercy on whom I will show mercy. Ex
33:19 Wow! Glory to God for He is Goodness! So sing!
Christ Himself is the goodness of God. “Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father.” John 14:9
Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his
glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of
grace and truth.” John 1:14
God, How we praise You for Your goodness and mercy! You do not give
us what we truly deserve. With reverent awe we bow humbly before You
and rejoice that You lift us up and make us to stand firmly upon the
Rock: Jesus, full of truth and grace. Amen.
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