21 January 2012

Day 10 More on Verse 9

The LORD is good to all: and his tender mercies are over all his works. Verse 9

As I continue to meditate on this verse of Psalm 145, I couldn’t help but think someone

reading this, or someone you may know, doesn’t believe it.   Searching the scriptures, doing some quick phrase searches, here is a list of the number of times these phrases occur….at least in my really quick not-exhaustive search:

Give thanks to the Lord for he is good…… 9
His mercy endures forever……44
His love endures forever….44
The Lord is good …..477
…to those who fear Him…..74
God is faithful….91

Scattered throughout the 66 books of the Bible, written by the hands of several different scribes in different generations, even hundreds of years apart, are the same declarations that David also cried out from the depths of his soul throughout his psalms, and here in Psalm 145. Could all these people be wrong?  What secret do they know?

Still come the questions from those who do not know Him, or refuse to.  If one would look for the context of each of these verses, and read the circumstances recorded during each phase of Israel’s history when these declarations were written, the soul would be overwhelming encouraged and convinced of the Truth: God is good, faithful, on the scene, and always loving and full of mercy.  Gotta open the Book!  Gotta listen to those who have witnessed His activity!

A defense attorney goes to great lengths to research precedents already set and judgments laid down which relate to his current client’s situation in order to build his case.   Hard evidence, credible witnesses and excellent research win the day and it becomes a life changing, freedom producing moment when the jury declares the defendant, “Not guilty.”

God presents the evidence of His presence, His power, and His desire to forgive and prosper those who follow His ways in His written Word, the Bible.  Many witnesses have recorded His mighty deeds.  

Some may say, “Ah, He is a dictator.  He is a tyrant.” It's His way or no way.  Well, yes and no.

He gave us the freedom to choose about 3,000 years ago.  “I have set before you life and death, blessings or curses.  Choose life that you and your children may live.”  Deuteronomy 3:19

The covenant God is good, offers protection and guidance, strength and wisdom to those who choose Him.  When one refuses a relationship with Him, one cannot expect Him to show up on demand.  But, the compassionate, good and merciful God often still does.  He is always presenting the opportunity to choose Him. 

Now, that is goodness.  That is love.  That is some mercy we don’t deserve.

The Father draws us to Jesus to understand the height and depth, the width and breadth of Love.  For some people,  it takes hitting bottom, losing everything, and having no choice but to look up.  Just like the inmate I worshiped with on Sunday at prison, he decided after trying everything else, he should try God’s ways.  

He has received forgiveness.  He has been declared "Not guilty!"  Now, he is a new creation, he has a new mind in Christ. He is joyful and passionate about his relationship with his Savior.

 “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.”  1 John 1:9    Now, that is some tender mercy.  We need only take action.

For others, everything in the natural world may seem great.  Success, family, friends...yet there is an emptiness, a sense that something is still missing.  

There is a cliche that still rings true...every human heart has a God shaped hole in it.  Until it is filled with the Creator's presence,  the creation is incomplete, and in the depths of his soul, he knows it.

 “Whoever covers over his sins (denies them) does not prosper.  Whoever confesses and abandons them receives compassion.”   Proverbs 28:13,(written by King Solomon, David’s son.)  God wants that none should be lost to eternal hell and separation from His goodness, love and peace.  Eternal life is on the line and abundant life for the here and now.  

Oh, the stubborn heart of man!  No wonder Jesus said, "He who has ears to hear, let him hear!"  Mark 4:9  Let him open his heart to understand. Come to Jesus, receive forgiveness, become a new creation and live the life He designed you for.

Lord, we praise You for Your absolute goodness, compassion and mercy.  Thank you for the written record of Your hand in history.  Thank you for Jesus who paid the price for my sin on the cross, and gave me access to You and the life You have designed for me here, and for eternity.  Holy God, I give You my heart.  Amen.

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